On Friday we flew First Class (Daddy put some of those miles to good
Friday, December 18, 2009
My First Christmas- Part I
On Friday we flew First Class (Daddy put some of those miles to good
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Visit From Grami Jami and Auntie Pam
The day Papa Roly had to go home we got more company at our house! Grami Jami and Auntie Pam arrived and I was so excited to see them!
We did lots of fun things together while they were here. On Thursday we went for a walk to Starbucks and got yummy hot drinks.
On Friday, Mommy and Daddy opened some gifts from Grami and Auntie Pam. Grami gave us something very special called The Elf on the Shelf. Grami kept hiding him the rest of the time she was here and we had to find him. The first time was pretty easy, but then it got harder and harder. I know it will be so much fun to look for him as I get older too. Daddy thinks we should name him "Hans." We'll have to talk about that when he can understand what I am saying.
On Saturday we went for a walk in the park near our house. It was cold outside so Daddy snuggled me into his jacket to keep me nice and warm. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed walking to the bridge and watching the ducks swim in the river. That night Mommy and Daddy went out on their first date since I was born. Grami and Auntie Pam watched me while they were gone and did a great job! It was so fun to have them all to myself!
On Sunday it was time to say "Good-bye." It's never fun, but I'll get to see Grami again at Christmas time which isn't too far away!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Rolling Over
How could I have forgotten to tell you all about the most exciting part of my very first Thanksgiving Day?! While I was getting my diaper changed I was really interested in the movie that was playing on the t.v. and I wanted to watch too. I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to practice a new skill, turning over from my back to my front. I've already been able to turn over from my tummy to my back, so I thought it would be good to try it a different way. Sure enough, I did it!! Not just once, but THREE times! It must have been really exciting for everyone watching because they cheered me on the entire time. I was so proud of myself. Of course, Mommy and Daddy got it all on video so you could see my hard work.
Friday, November 27, 2009
My First Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My Papa and Me
Monday, November 23, 2009
I am Four Months Today!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Daddy, I have something to tell you...
My Daddy has to be at work all day so he, unfortunately, misses out on lots of things I do during the day. I always get so excited when he gets home in the evening so that I can tell him all about the day Mommy and I had. I thought today I would share with you what I did. You might have to shower off afterward though..
Monday, November 16, 2009
Fall is FUN!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I'm Happy Today!
For the past week I haven't been feeling very well. I've had a cough and a stuffy nose that just won't go away, but I won't let that get me down! I'm still as happy as ever, especially when I have both Mommy and Daddy's undivided attention. The other night we were all sitting on the couch playing. We had so much fun Daddy decided it would be a great idea to video tape Mommy and me being so silly. I love being silly! I hope you like it!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Caught in a Storm!
Friday, November 6, 2009
I don't feel good :(
Mommy has been sick since Tuesday, I got sick on Wednesday. Mommy and I went for a walk together and when we came back from our walk I took a nap. Mommy was a little curious that I went to sleep so easily and sure enough, when I woke up I had a temperature of 103.7! YUCK! Now Mommy and I are sick together. I had a fever all night long so Mommy and Daddy took turns feeding me and giving me Tylenol.
Yesterday I still had a fever and had to go visit the Doctor. He was really nice but told Mommy that it wasn't a good idea for us to go visit Nana and Grandpa this weekend. I'm very sad that we don't get to go on the trip, but Mommy and I really need to get better before we go. Now we're planning to go in December instead. Today I'm feeling better and more like myself again. Mommy is on the mend too. Daddy stayed home today to take care of both of us and hopefully by the time he goes back to work on Monday morning, we'll all be good as new!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
That being said....I love Sunday for lots of reasons. The two top reasons are 1) my daddy is home and 2) football! I'm sure you can guess that I'm a 49er fan. It's tough living where I do and liking the 49ers because people around here are more excited about the Seahawks. When I was just over a month old I got to go to my first 49er game and I've loved them ever since! Mommy took some photos of me enjoying the game today, hope you like them!
Daddy: "Little C, the 49ers are playing today!"
Little C: "Yippee! I'm all ready! Go NINERS!"
"Oh good, Alex Smith is starting today. He did so well last week! I bet he'll win the game for us today!"
"Oh boy, the Niners are ahead! I can sit back, relax, and let the defense do all the work!"
"What a nail biter! They did so awesome against the Colts...I still can't believe they lost!"
"They play again next week? YES! GO NINERS!"
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My First Halloween
Friday, October 30, 2009
Introducing Little C
Now it's three months later and there has been a lot going on. Every day there is something new. If you're curious, keep checking back and I will do my best to keep you posted! If you need to be caught up on my life until now, you can always look at my photos. Mommy posts new ones every week.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Where did the past 8 weeks go?!
I've been meaning to do this every day for several weeks now, but somehow there is always something else that needs to be done, someone else's needs that must be tended to. By now you know we have had an addition to our family. We've gone from C 'n T to C, T, and Little C. Have our lives ever changed! It has been an amazing (albeit tiring) experience thus far. Little C has brought so much joy to our lives! I've been debating whether or not to continue this blog since I do a mini blog on our photo website, but I've finally decided that yes indeed I will continue blogging. It's just a good thing to do!
Currently we are at my in-laws house in Galt, CA. We drove over last Thursday with my BIL and SIL after being in Capitola to celebrate my FIL's 60th birthday. After spending the weekend here with everyone I decided it would be fun to stay the week since I am lucky enough to not have to work and we were down here anyway. It was a tough decision for C, who had to fly back in order to work. He was not looking forward to a week without his wife and baby. However, we decided he would fly back on Friday and spend the weekend here, then we'd all fly back together on Monday morning. The week was wonderful and very relaxing. I enjoyed napping by the pool while Little C napped in the swing under the covered patio while listening to the waterfall. C flew in last night and tomorrow we are heading to San Francisco to see the 49er's beat the Seahawks!! We were invited to go to the game with Dean and Candy Hadley and will be joined by MIL and Gar-ball as well. Can't wait! Little C's first professional football game!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Ready or not?
It is difficult not to wonder if (hope?) the baby will arrive early. I have enjoyed every single moment of being home this summer and have done my best to take advantage of it. However, now I fully understand what it means to be a part of the "waiting game." I didn't think I would actually find myself sitting on the couch "waiting" to go into labor, but...
So today as I was sitting on the couch I took out my "To Do" list:
-Install car seat √
-Prepare baby's room √
-Purchase all the "essentials" √
So today as I was sitting on the couch I took out my "To Do" list:
-Install car seat √
-Prepare baby's room √
-Purchase all the "essentials" √
-Wash all baby items √
-Read baby books √
-Watch birth videos √
-Watch baby care videos √
-Get toenails painted √
-Prepare meals to eat later √ish (I made meal lists)
-Clean house thoroughly √√√
-Pack bag for hospital √
-Charge cameras, computers and cell phones √
-Pre-register for the hospital √
-Make a call/email list √
-Type up a birth plan √
I felt pretty proud of myself after looking at my list and seeing all of the √'s. It made me feel good to know that I had accomplished this list of things to do. So, as I sat and looked at my list, looked around my house, looked at the bags sitting by the door I said to myself "It looks like we're ready!" but what I was really thinking was "We have NO idea what we're in for!"
-Watch birth videos √
-Watch baby care videos √
-Get toenails painted √
-Prepare meals to eat later √ish (I made meal lists)
-Clean house thoroughly √√√
-Pack bag for hospital √
-Charge cameras, computers and cell phones √
-Pre-register for the hospital √
-Make a call/email list √
-Type up a birth plan √
I felt pretty proud of myself after looking at my list and seeing all of the √'s. It made me feel good to know that I had accomplished this list of things to do. So, as I sat and looked at my list, looked around my house, looked at the bags sitting by the door I said to myself "It looks like we're ready!" but what I was really thinking was "We have NO idea what we're in for!"
Thursday, July 2, 2009
9 Months!
So here we are. Officially in the 9th month and counting down the days until our lives are forever changed. Is it possible to be completely prepared? We have the room ready. The baby has a place to sleep. The car seat is installed so baby can come home with us. We took birthing classes and have spent a lot of time reading books. We've listened to lots of good advice. We are packing our suitcase this weekend and finishing the birth plan to take with us to the hospital. Are we ready? I'm not convinced that anything will prepare us for what is about to take place. But we're excited! And soon we'll find out. Stay tuned!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Painting the nursery
What a fun week! I am so sad that it is already over so soon. It seems like it was just Monday and now it is Friday evening. The nursery is painted and looks so beautiful, but Lindsey is gone. The next time I see her will be when I introduce her to her new niece/nephew. I had the best time! Not just painting but shopping, baking the most delicious cinnamon rolls, and just spending quality time together. Thanks for coming up, Lindsey. I miss you already!
I am not going to post the photos here because there are so many of them, but I am posting a link so you can visit our Photo Gallery to see the photos.
I am not going to post the photos here because there are so many of them, but I am posting a link so you can visit our Photo Gallery to see the photos.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
More guests!
Janet and Gary drove up on Friday and were able to spend time with us as well as with Gary's daughter, Abby, and granddaughter, Brandon. We all got together on Saturday for a scrumptious lunch at a Thai restaurant and to Dairy Queen for dessert. The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning the house, playing in the yard, going on walks around the neighborhood, and setting up the furniture in the baby's room. We now have a crib and changing table/dresser all ready to go! Next is a visit from SIL, Lindsey!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A friendly visit!
My longtime friend, Stacy, came to visit us this past week! What fun we had catching up after not having seen each other in such a long time. She is currently teaching 4th grade in Taiwan at Taipei Adventist American School and absolutely loves it! We had the best time together and I am so lucky to have had her visit!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Baby belly is growing!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Getting ready for baby...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Family Photos
My parents got to drive up to Michigan's U.P. to visit my maternal grandparents at what we affectionately call "The Farm" near Calumet, MI. Growing up I spent most every summer there with my grandparents. I have nothing but the fondest memories of being there with them and spending many a day picking berries, delivering berries, going on walks, building forts, splashing in the crick and many other activities. I miss them so much and wish with all my heart that we all lived closer. I am so happy mom and dad were able to go up for a visit, I know it was a blessing for all of them. Wish I could have been there too!!
Ben and Bonnie Rendel, May 2009
Uncle Brian, mom, Grandma, Grandpa
Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Brian

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