Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ready or not?

It is difficult not to wonder if (hope?) the baby will arrive early. I have enjoyed every single moment of being home this summer and have done my best to take advantage of it. However, now I fully understand what it means to be a part of the "waiting game." I didn't think I would actually find myself sitting on the couch "waiting" to go into labor, but...
So today as I was sitting on the couch I took out my "To Do" list:

-Install car seat √
-Prepare baby's room √
-Purchase all the "essentials" √
-Wash all baby items √
-Read baby books √
-Watch birth videos √
-Watch baby care videos √
-Get toenails painted √
-Prepare meals to eat later √ish (I made meal lists)
-Clean house thoroughly √√√
-Pack bag for hospital √
-Charge cameras, computers and cell phones √
-Pre-register for the hospital √
-Make a call/email list √
-Type up a birth plan √

I felt pretty proud of myself after looking at my list and seeing all of the √'s. It made me feel good to know that I had accomplished this list of things to do. So, as I sat and looked at my list, looked around my house, looked at the bags sitting by the door I said to myself "It looks like we're ready!" but what I was really thinking was "We have NO idea what we're in for!"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

9 Months!

So here we are. Officially in the 9th month and counting down the days until our lives are forever changed. Is it possible to be completely prepared? We have the room ready. The baby has a place to sleep. The car seat is installed so baby can come home with us. We took birthing classes and have spent a lot of time reading books. We've listened to lots of good advice. We are packing our suitcase this weekend and finishing the birth plan to take with us to the hospital. Are we ready? I'm not convinced that anything will prepare us for what is about to take place. But we're excited! And soon we'll find out. Stay tuned!