Well, it's been awhile and now it's time to catch up! :) Life is good for C and me. We are continuing to stay busy with work, squeezing in a little travel, and taking care of the house and yard. We are so excited for spring to be here and hoping that

means dry days so that we can be outside weeding, clipping, pruning and planting. In January we had another huge storm which brought down a lot of branches, one of which stuck in the roof. It was too big for us to take care of on our own and once it was brought down there was another hole found that had to be patched. Somehow the branch and other debris had plugged the hole enough so that we had no leakage! January also brought visits from C's mom and Gary as well as

Abby and Brandon. We weren't sure whether we would get to see them. Two weeks before they came, Grandma Gail had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. Thankfully she had improved enough to be taken to a care facility and Janet felt comfortable making the trip to Portland. C and I were able to be with Grandma for a few days as well and were happy to have that opportunity. Grandma is now living at a care facility near her home and has been working hard to get her strength back and her spirits up.

February seemed to fly by as we were both looking forward to a trip to Hawaii, which came at the end of the month. We were so excited to see and feel the sun and have a week of rest and relaxation. We flew to Honolulu and stayed the week in Waikiki. The week mostly consisted of getting up early, eating breakfast, running, relaxing on the beach, eating dinner and heading to bed! :) C was able to squeeze in a SCUBA diving trip and enjoyed it immensely. We also took a wonderful tour of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel and highly recommend it if you're in the area. We came home to freezing temperatures and rain, but feeling refreshed and recharged! The Friday after we returned was our scheduled ultrasound.

The experience left us both teary and breathless. To see our baby was simply amazing. We were so excited the technician was able to get great photos of the baby in various poses. We couldn't be more excited about becoming parents and welcoming this new little person into our family. As of today, I am on Spring Break and enjoying every minute of it! I was sick at the beginning, caught some kind of tummy bug, but is now feeling much better and full of energy. We had another check-up on Monday morning and were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. It sounded strong! The Dr. says everything looks good, baby and mommy are growing on target! Mommy's tummy is getting larger by the day and forcing me to shop for clothes that are a little more comfortable than the ones I'm is used to wearing. I have 11 weeks left of school and am looking forward to the summer! That pretty much brings you up to date! We'll be back soon!

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