A few weeks ago I posted a photo of our front yard covered in leaves. It got worse! And then it rained!! This weekend we were blessed with sunny skies so we decided to take advantage and get out there and rake up the leaves. I love trees and I am so happy to have tall, beautiful trees in our yard. However, after filling 20 - 30 gallon leaf bags full of leaves (yes, that's 600 gallons of leaves!!) I decided it was a little too much tree love for me! I guess that's what happens when you wait so long. It doesn't help matters when the neighbor pokes his head out and says "WOW! You guys got buried!!" As for disposing of them, we got lucky. Our town offers two weekends in November when people can bring their leaves to dumpsters provided by the city and this weekend happened to be one of those weekends! We disposed of all 600 gallons and are relatively leaf free. To top it off, we decided that all that raking gave us good reason to spend the rest of the day inside watching football! Go 49ers!!!
I am wondering if you tried once running and jumping in the leaves, I guess when you are the ones raking it is a little extra energy. 600 lbs of leaves is a lot. love mom/mil
Only 600 gallons?! I've done 675 so far (and 450 were mulched) and that's just the front yard and one side yard! I've still got one side yard and the back yard to go!!
Fortunately I can just put ours out with the trash and one of the sanitation trucks pick them up and take them to the community compost site.
I am wondering if you tried once running and jumping in the leaves, I guess when you are the ones raking it is a little extra energy. 600 lbs of leaves is a lot. love mom/mil
Only 600 gallons?! I've done 675 so far (and 450 were mulched) and that's just the front yard and one side yard! I've still got one side yard and the back yard to go!!
Fortunately I can just put ours out with the trash and one of the sanitation trucks pick them up and take them to the community compost site.
Ain't it fun??!!! GRIN!!!!!
Love ya' both,
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