Monday, October 20, 2008

C's 30th Birthday!

C turned 30 today! Earlier in the summer we had a birthday celebration with friends and family so this weekend was pretty low key. Janet and Grandma Gail flew up from California and spent the weekend with us. We had a wonderful weekend walking around the neighborhood and taking Grandma to the park and the mall. The weather was beautiful all weekend and at night C kept us cozy with a warm fire. Janet made C's favorite birthday treats, peanut butter squares and a pizza cookie and we had his birthday dinner at P.F. Chang's which turned out to be much better than we thought it would be. His day was happy and I think he is looking forward to "many more!" Happy 30th Birthday!!

1 comment:

Chad said...

Happy belated birthday! Just remember, age is nothing but a number and a wise, much older parental figure has repeatedly told me, "Age is mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter"