Today was Halloween. I've never had a Halloween before so I was really excited! I slept most of the day, but in the afternoon Mommy, Daddy and I walked down to the mall to look at all the other kids in their costumes. I was so excited to see them all it was hard for me to take my nap. I know it's better for me to sleep, but there was just so much going on! When we got back to my house I

was really tired. I was almost asleep in my bouncy chair when the door bell rang! Mommy and Daddy's friends, Heidi and Tim, came for a visit. I had never met them before, they are really nice! They all had some soup and bread together while I took a catnap in Mommy's arms. After

dinner we all went for a walk around the neighborhood to see the houses all decorated and the kids in their costumes. I was dressed as a little pumpkin, an outfit given to me by my Great Aunt Susie. By the time we went on our walk I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open, I was ready for bed and I let everyone know it! We got home pretty quick, I got my medicine (YUCK!) and a bath and then I finally got to go to bed for the night. I kept wondering what Mommy and Daddy were thinking keeping me up for so long....and I reminded them ALL NIGHT LONG not to do that again!