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I finished my Master's degree today! After 18 months of coursework it came down to three essay questions in three hours. The test was from 9am-noon and I found out early this evening that all four of us who sat for the test, passed!! YIPPEEE! So, in case you are wondering here is my Masters degree title: M.A. Interdisciplinary Education-Reading Emphasis with a Reading Specialist K-12 credential. Thank you for your prayers, support and well wishes! I PASSED! :) Now on to those boxes waiting to be packed.....
This weekend while C was in Galt, I flew to D.C. for my cousin Devin's wedding. With summer classes in full swing, it had to be
a quick trip, but one I wouldn't have missed for the world. I flew out Thursday night on a red-eye and on an airline I'd never flown before, Virgin America. Having heard stories about this particular airline, I was anxious to see what it was all about. C and I LOVE airports and airplanes and this was no exception. The plane took off from the International Terminal, which is the newest terminal at SFO and it's beautiful! I sat and watched the planes land and take off as I waited to board. The boarding call came and as I walked on the plane
through the tunnel there were flashes of lights and a purplish hue with music in the background. Boarding this plane was like walking into a Vegas club! The seats were white leather, the aisles wider than usual, and the staff were smiling and welcoming as one of them led me to my seat. As I sat down, I noticed the screen in front of me. I'd also heard about the screens. They are touch screens and not only can you select any kind of movie you want, you can play video games, watch TV shows, order food and drinks for yourself, order food and drinks for other people in the plane, AND you could chat with other people in the plane! What will they think of next? However, it was after 10pm and I was tired and anxious to get some sleep before the big event. To my great disappointment, Virgin America doesn't equip their planes with blankets!!! I was freezing (yes, FREEZING!) an
d didn't sleep. I was glad to arrive in D.C. at 6:00 am the following morning and have it already at 75 degrees outside! After arriving and renting a car, I headed to the hotel in Maryland where I would be staying with my grandparents. It was a beautiful drive! I loved it. Upon arrival at the hotel I was greeted by Grandpa and Grandma with big smile, big hugs, and a nice big bed to take a nap! We ate breakfast together
and then I crawled in bed and slept for three hours. I woke up and began to get ready for the wedding later on that night. All my cousins were in another hotel and busily getting ready, even sewing dresses to the very last minute (including the wedding dress!!). The setting of the event was beautiful! It was in a small catholic church about an hour away from the hotel. The old stone church was set up on a green hill and surrounded by old gravestones. There was a stone gate surrounding
the church and a walkway leading to the front door. It was a perfect day for a wedding, slightly overcast with light, misty rain. We were greeted at the door by kilted groomsmen and led to our seats after hugs from Uncle Ron. The wedding was beautiful. The bridesmaids wore Indian Saris, the groomsmen wore kilts. Lyndsey wore a gorgeous wedding dress with a long veil that reached the ground and Devin wore a tux with a scarf the same as the kilts over his shoulder. Cousins Alyssa and Breanne and Lyndsey's sister were bridesmaids (along with a few
friends) and Lyndsey's brother was among the groomsmen. The ceremony was beautiful with Bible passages read by the fathers and music sung by one of the bridesmaids together with the congregation. As the newlyweds exited the church, they were led out by a bagpiper and the guests threw flower petals as the bride and groom ducked into their awaiting Rolls Royce. The reception was at a mansion about 30 minutes away. Again, a beautiful setting. There were appetizers for guests to enjoy while we waited for dinner to begin. I loved the way the entire wedding was all-encompassing of Devin and Lyndsey's i
nterests and their relationship as a whole. Each table had a card that detailed an important part of their courtship. During the meal the M.C. went around and one person from each table read the card. By the end, the story of their courtship had been told from when they first met to when Devin purchased the ring to the proposal. It was beautiful! The food was delicious, the cake even more so and the dancing....the dancing is always the best part! They said their farewells at just past 11:00pm and raced through a tunnel of sparklers to the waiting limo. As they drove away, fireworks lit up the sky. What a fairytale!
The following day, the family met for brunch at Lyndsey and Devin's townhouse. It was a wonderful opportunity to greet the newlyweds and spend more time together before everyone went their separate ways. I was there just over 24 hours before it was time for me to head back. I'm so glad I was able to go. It was a beautiful, memorable weekend. Congratulations Devin and Lyndsey!